Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's been ages since I last posted so I figured I should write another post.
Exams are over, yay :) I think they all went ok.
I've been in Blenheim for the last week. I went up for my family 21st which was last Tuesday night. It was good to see all my grandparents who I haven't seen for a couple of years. And I was there for my brothers birthday too. And we celebrated my dad's birthday and my grandma's 75th, and my other grandma's 80th.
Anyway I got back to Christchurch last night and im glad to be back. Now I have to find a job before I run out of money :)
This post is incredibly boring especially considering I haven't posted at all in the last few weeks. You'd think I could find something interesting to say but I can't so I'm going to go.

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