Sunday, March 05, 2006

Weekends, marriage proposals, and other ramblings

English is a confusing language. The opposite of the word 'out' is the word 'in'. So it would make sense that the opposite of the word 'without' would be 'within'. But it isn't. Instead the opposite of the word 'without' is the word 'with'. And just to make things even more confusing the word 'within' means something completely unrelated.

Anyway that was a tangent. What I was actually going to post about was the fact that I have an entire weekend off. To many people that will seem like a strange thing to be excited about but when you work shift work, and you only normally get one day off, sometime in the middle of the week, having both Saturday and Sunday off is a very unusual, and very exciting occassion! It means I can sleep in. And I can do social stuff. And I don't have to be asleep by 9.30 to get 8 hours sleep.

Last night at work one of the customers told me that if he wasn't already married he would marry me. Slightly disturbing coming from a man who is probably 70+, it certainly breaks the half + 7 rule! Of course he was only joking. Someone else told me that I was their favourite waitress! And another person said that I'd be the manager soon. Lots of warm fuzzies for one night :) Good thing too because this morning was crazily busy and the buffet wasn't set up when the first group arrived because the early starter slept through her alarm (and her cellphone was turned off). No time for warm fuzzies this morning, I was running around like a maniac!

Anyway time for me to go and have a nana nap now. I have to work again tonight and tommorrow morning - and I'm already really tired!!!