Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It is christmas eve. And I am pondering about the many people for who christmas is not a time of celebration but a time of pain. So here's a prayer for those people this christmas:

For the hungry
Give them food from the tables of those with abundance
That they may celebrate and enjoy time together

For the poor
Give them the wisdom to spend their limited funds wisely
And the ability to make Christmas a special time for themselves and those around them

For the sick
Give them relief from the pain
And time to spend with their loved ones

For the stressed
Give them welcome relaxation and rest
Along with a thankfulness for what they do have

For those who are grieving
Give them peace from the inner turmoil
And hope that their world will once again be filled with happiness

For those feeling unloved or alone
Give them a place they feel wanted and people to love them

God, give all the people in this world of diversity peace, love, hope, and joy - whereever they are and whatever they are doing

And last of all, help those of us with such abundance of these things
to remember those less fortunate - and to do what we can to make their christmas time better
