Sunday, January 15, 2006

Work and stuff

It has been a long time since I posted anything. Mainly because I'm normally a positive, cheerful person and the last few weeks have seemed to be pretty crap and I don't want to make others feel bad by complaining. Although I have been doing a fair amount of complaining to people in person anyway (I'm sorry)!

For those who don't know what is up I'm just going to say work troubles and explain briefly. Sorry about the lack of details but a number of people who read this blog know more anyway, and those who don't can ask me if they want to know :) Basically work isn't going well, which makes me feel useless and means I worry about work a lot and dread going to work, which in turn makes me feel bad because it is only a minor thing especially compared to problems so many other people have to face every day.

Today I moved to another hotel in the same chain. I don't want to comment on this because I've only had one shift and that's not enough to know if it's going to be any better or not.

So that's whats up in Ray's world at the moment. Sorry about the negativity of this post but I'm just saying it as I see it at the moment. And sorry it's all about work but work and work worries seem to be consuming my life lately so I really have nothing else to say.

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