Thursday, September 21, 2006

Things I like about my flatmates

I have five flatmates. I don't care if two of them don't actually live in the flat anymore. They are still my flatmates. Here's some of the things I like about my flatmates (in no particular order):

1. They don't mind when you invade their rooms and lie on their bed/sit on their floor and just talk

2. They bake and cook yummy food

3. They give me chocolate

4. They participate in bathroom polling

5. I can be silly with them

6. They make me feel special

This list is much shorter than I expected. But that's because the things I like most about my flatmates are things that are hard to put into words. The baking and chocolate and other stuff like that isn't really that important. I like my flat because even though it's a crusty old cold student flat with falling down curtains it's my home and it's the people who live their who make it that :)

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